21 June 2011

The Green Season Begins

but it is not so long this year, as it often is, what with Easter having fallen so late.  This year, there are but 22 Sundays after Trinity.  That means green will deck the chancel (and celebrant and assistant) for the next 13 weeks - then a little break as we transfer St. Michael's to Sunday - and then back to green till Reformation followed by All Saints, and then Green through the end of the Church Year.  St. Paul's green paraments have yellowed a bit with age, so Cindi and I ordered a new green set (including chasuble and stole) from DK Brunner and Son and have given them to the Church in thanksgiving to God for being privileged to serve the Church in the office of the holy ministry for 25 years (19 of them right here at St. Paul's).  They are a rich, emerald green.  Vestments have arrived already; paraments are due before Sunday.  Hopefully the deep green will remind us all of the blessedness of the man who "delights in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night.  He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that brings forth its fruit in season, and whose leaf does not wither."  Planted by the living waters of God's Holy Word and the Blessed Sacraments, His people "green up" and bear an abundant fruit to the honor and glory of their Savior, Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you will post pictures of the new items! We purchased new green paraments about 5 years ago. I still thought the old ones were green till we held them up side by side - they had faded to gold! (With a hint of green.) I have to say as an altar guild member, who had duty this month, this was a busy month! Different color paraments every Sunday! Lots of work, but I love it.

    Happy 25th, by the way - may God grant you many, many more in his service.
