22 June 2011

It was a quarter century ago...

...upon this day that I was publicly placed into the Office of the Holy Ministry with prayer and the laying on of hands.  It was at the Lutheran Church of St. Andrew in Wheaton, MD (where I had also been baptized, confirmed, and married).  Dr. George Lobien presided over the service of the Word; Pr. George Plvan preached with his usual Slovak grace; my District President, Dr. Richard Hinz did the actual ordination, with the other pastors joining in; and afterwards I was privileged to preside for the first time at the Holy Eucharist.  It's been, for the most part, an overwhelming joy - and I thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve His church in this way.  I pray he grants me another 25!


  1. Huh. If we promise to hold your hands up ... as Moses' older brother did for the prophet faithfully overseeing a battle between good and the Foe ... will you pray for at least thirty?

    May God continue to richly bless what you do, Reverend Father Weedon. And many happy (and glorious) returns, so to speak.

    Yes, I'm a selfish old curmudgeon, sure, but I have to say your feeding trough is very tasty.

    M. Anderson, SSP

  2. Congratulations, my friend! The Lord has used you very well in His service. Keep giving that joyous, energetic witness to our Lord of grace and glory, the Savior who delights in us in order that we may also delight in Him!

  3. Congratulations! And whether it be 25, 50 or 100 more years, here's to the sweet Hosannas that will ring eternally!

  4. Pastor Weedon,

    The Church is quite blessed to have a faithful Pastor such as yourself. Not only do those who sit in your pews have the Word preached and the Sacraments administered to them faithfully, but so do those of us who follow you through this Blog.

    May our Lord continue to bless you!

  5. Blessings to you on this wonderful remembrance day! May the Lord continue to make you fruitful for His glory and for the work of His kingdom!

    It will be 31 on July 6 for me...

  6. The Foxxes of Kansas praise our Lord Jesus for you Fr. Weedon!!!!

    (I had to throw the !!!! in for good measure)

    Bro Steve SSP

  7. Congratulations. We pew sitters give thanks for faithful pastors like you.

  8. Brent6:51 PM

    God bless you, Pastor Weedon! Thanks again for sharing so much good teaching and encouragement with your blog.

  9. Another congratulation from the pew sitters -- or butts in the pew!

    In 1986 I had no idea I would ever be a Lutheran, though LCMS was the one church body left for which I had any regard at all (it's still that way, but don't tella nobody as my Dad used to say). I would listen to The Lutheran Hour and be real impressed but think they can't be right, they're not Catholic though they try real hard to be.

    Pastors like you and blogs like this have been the difference between then and now. Well, along with the 1520 treatises and the BOC.

  10. Congratulations, and thanks be to God for the Word and Sacraments Christ has delivered through you for 25 years!

  11. Ad multuos annos mein lieber Amts bruder! My 25th is coming up on the Feast of St. Lawrence, 10 August. Much joy on the day!

  12. Congratulations, dear Father! Wow, the time has flown by remarkably fast!

    Fr. Becker and I share the same date for our 25th- The Feast of St. Lawrence. I was ordained at Martin Luther Chapel Pennsauken, NJ.

  13. Thanks, all!

    And yes, Frs. Becker and Fleischman, it seems hardly 25 years ago that we were joyously heading out toward ordinations and first calls, does it? Are either of you headed to Higher Things in Bloomington this year?

  14. Anonymous2:56 PM

    God's blessings to you! May He grant you many more!

  15. Paula9:30 PM

    Congratulations! And I'm glad we've been blessed with you for 19 of those years.

  16. Thanks for all the ways your pastoral wisdom has sustained me since I first found this blog nearly five years ago.

    And thanks be to God for calling you into the Office of Holy Ministry.

  17. Anonymous11:02 AM

    May the Lord bless us in the LCMS with you for at least another 25!

    (Blogging, too.) :)

