17 June 2011

Just spent a wonderful time in Seward...

...with these folks (and a few others not pictured).

It was a joy to lead Bible Studies for the Concordia Deaconess Conference (all Sister Sandy Bowers' fault!), to meet some old internet friends face to face, and to see some others that I've not seen for a long time.  Dr. Herl was amazing - as usual!  And the worship was reverent, joyful, and graciously led by Pr. John Berg - what a fine liturgist!  After I left I found out the Deaconesses elected me to serve as their Spiritual Counsellor (replacing Pr. Berg, who has filled out his term) for the next three years.  I am honored indeed, and look forward to more time with them - praying I can do half the job that Pr. Berg has done!

P.S.  A highlight for me was were some "Lutheran beverages" enjoyed with Dr. Phillips, Dr. Herl, and Pr. Berg on Thursday evening before Compline.


  1. Joe Herl10:50 PM

    P.S. A highlight for me was were some "Lutheran beverages" enjoyed with Dr. Phillips, Dr. Herl, and Pr. Berg on Thursday evening before Compline.

    And paid for by Pr. Weedon--many thanks!

    I agree that this was a fine conference. It was great getting to know these women; they had some wonderful stories to tell. It was a lot of fun being a presenter: it was like teaching a graduate seminar with bright and eager students who, in this case, always seemed to be several steps ahead of me.

    I've seen Pastor Weedon teach several times, and it never ceases to amaze me how he can take ordinary, mundane things and make connections to the divine in ways that are eminently memorable. I'd give an example if I could think of one at the moment... :)

    I especially loved the Divine Service and the offices. They were straight out of the book--nothing special in that regard--but the preaching was great, the hymns and propers fit well, the organ playing was excellent, and everything was conducted so as not to interfere with one's devotion.

    The only downside to the conference was that, thanks to the amazing meals and snacks at Concordia University, I am now two pounds heavier than I was a few days ago! I am used to conference food being unremarkable, but this was something special.

  2. Anonymous11:12 PM

    It was a great blessing to hear and learn from both of you!

    I know Pastor Weedon didn't get the opportunity to hear him, but Professor Blanco also did an outstanding job as our banquet speaker. I'm glad we did not assign him a topic. He did more and better than we could have come up with on our own. Thank you to Lorraine and Dr. Herl for recommending him.

    Pastor Berg has been a great blessing to our conference for the last 5 years. I found out this week that he has missed his last 5 anniversaries with his wife because of the timing of our CDC conferences--so I'm sure she will be happy to have him back next year! Meanwhile, we look forward to Pastor Weedon's prayers, liturgy and guidance for the next 3 years. But mostly, we just look forward to driving him crazy with many, many emails as we plan future conferences! : ) Sister Sandy

  3. The energy with which you teach is amazing, Pr. Weedon! You were certainly the bearer of grace upon grace, and I especially am grateful for the ongoing prayers. God bless you.

  4. Did you mention their "patches"?

    I pity you if you did.
