08 June 2011

Since January, I've

been leading the Wednesday Catechism Service at the Chapel of the LCMS International Center.  It occurred to me that many folks have never been to the IC, and might like to see what the Chapel looks like.  I took a few pics this morning before anyone arrived:


  1. Anonymous4:25 PM

    They apparently got rid of the plastic LCMS logo altar cross.

  2. I have no idea what there used to be there. I believe that the current chancel furnishings were prepared by the Center for Liturgical Arts at Concordia-Seward.

    It is a very distracting room for anyone sensitive to light - when the sun goes behind the clouds, and you get that "drop" - if you are sensitive to light, you know what I mean. But on a bright sunny day (if you can forget the highway!), it's a cheering space. I like it much better in Spring and Summer than in Winter, that's for sure.

  3. Larry Luder8:07 PM

    This is fascinating. I am clueless what a catechism preaching or sermons would be. Is there info are examples available? I worked in a glass building before. It is a super nice and cheerful environment, but to sit in the sun like that would be unbearable.

  4. That's pretty! But I would think all that glass with the view beyond would be distracting. I thought the same at the church my older son got married at - Chapel by the Lake in Juneau, Alaska. The window behind the altar was clear glass, and the view was a lake and a glacier! The wedding kept our attention, however. Pr. Weedon, if you want to see a picture, go to my album "Zach & Tawnya's wedding" (scroll WAY down) - there is a picture of the outside of the church - a log cabin and a photo outside with the lake/glacier in the background, which is the view from inside. We attended a baptism that took place IN that glacier-fed lake the Sunday before the wedding. The pastor wore waders! (Church is Presbyterian.)

  5. I'm sorry, but if you're going to have that much glass, why not have stained glass? The place just looks informal. With that much glass, does it even face ad orientem?

  6. Well, of course, it IS part of an office building. The chapel is oriented toward the south - which actually assures the maximum amount of light throughout the year, of course. But it's orientation is dictated by the swamp on which the building was erected... You can look out the windows, though, and see some pretty impressive swans. It puts me in mind of Yeats, when I see them.

  7. Larry,

    You can check out our own services here: http://weedon.blogspot.com/2008/01/catechism-services.html

    That was when we were just introducing them! It gives you a feel, but at the IC, the chapel service has to be finished in 20 minutes or so, so it is much shorter.

  8. Sue,

    On FB? I couldn't find it. Help???

  9. Nice pix. I've heard of this chapel before, but have never seen pix. Church architecture is an interesting thing to consider. Historically speaking, I think it is OK to say, architecture and theological expression are related.

  10. I should point out that not very clear in the pics, is an etching on the glass above the altar. Look carefully and you can see it. YHWH revealing Himself in the burning bush...

    Naturally, I'm far more at home with the traditional space of St. Paul's. But the IC Chapel has its own grace in the way it focuses on the primary symbols: the altar, the ambo, the font (and the fourth primary symbol: the ORGAN).

  11. Sorry - maybe I was not clear enough? Try this: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1033054108317.2006573.1284342187

    Let me know if that works!

  12. That did it! Thanks! Beautiful chapel!!!

  13. Eight pews long, could seat 4 or 5 (squished). Bagpipes played going in, church bell was rung going out. Just lovely. It's a tourist site - buses came and went till about an hour before the wedding.

  14. When I was stationed at the IC, there was a Shell gas station right across the street with a huge "Shell" sign and we all thought it was very nice of Shell to provide such a nice baptismal reminder for us.

  15. Anonymous8:03 PM

    a miniture Crystal cathedral?

  16. I don't know. Does the CC feature granite altar, ambo and font so prominently?

  17. Larry Luder8:37 PM

    Thank you for the link. Beautiful. You are indeed a learned teacher of Christ.
