04 August 2011

I had approached this week...

...with a bit of fear and trepidation.  You see, Joanie is on vacation this week, and I was afraid the Copier knew it.  It ALWAYS seems to know when I'm on my own and decides to show me what an idiot I am.  But I don't think it realized she was gone this week.  I spoke nicely to it and it behaved itself - bulletins are finished, folded, stapled and in church and sermon copies are run off.  And the machine didn't hiccup one single time.  No one tell it Joanie isn't around, though.  I still have to run off Sunday's Bible Class...


  1. This church secretary is on vaca this week, too, and I've left the pastor in charge of the office machinery. In the 25 years I've been doing this sort of work, I've finally come to believe that preachers CAN be trained ...

  2. I believe it is only the prayers of the church secretary (not to be summoned for help during their vacations) that enables the machinery to behave itself... ;)
