08 August 2011

Once again, that time.

The Page View meter has crossed 1,600,000 views.  Would you care to introduce yourselves, oh ye who visit this blog?  If you've done it before, feel free to do so again.  But especially if you are one of those people who come up to me and say:  "I enjoy your blog" but you've never unlurked yourself, put aside your Romulan cloaking devise and step out into the light!  Who be ye?


  1. I am a native Eastern Iowan who has an Evangelical past but chose to attend a small seminary with Lutheran beginnings. It was there I studied the early church, Mueller's Christian Dogmatics, and Chemnitz' Two Natures in Christ. Later, I discovered LOGIA, then Issues, Etc., then Worldview Everlasting, then...

    I now find myself in a theological "no man's land" seeing truth in some of the Lutheran understanding of Scripture, yet not in other areas. So I continue to study the Church Fathers and am currently reading Lutheran writings (finished Lutheran Spirituality and Grace Upon Grace; currently in Walther's Law & Gospel) and share thoughts in my blog about my findings--nothing profound, just real.

  2. Brenda Bomberger here! My husband and I attend Faith Lutheran in LaGrande OR. For that comfort we drive 50 miles each way. Our four kids are grown. Three of them and their families are faithfully attending and I hope that my youngest will be getting back into the habit.

    My son pointed your blog out to me and I have enjoyed your posts. I often share your posts, or portions of them on my Facebook. I give proper kudos to you each time. There have been some lively discussions with my Reformed friends! May God continue to bless your sharing with us!

  3. My name is Jesse. I'm a twenty-something accountant from Omaha, Nebraska and attend a large LCMS parish out in the western suburbs.

    To make a long story short, after I came back to the Church and started going to worship on a regular basis a couple years ago, I discovered Paul McCain's site, Issues, Etc and other places which eventually led me here.

    Your blog and other resources have really helped me come to appreciate the historic liturgy and the Lutheran Confessions. I was always a "going through the motions" type of worshipper and understanding the liturgy changed that tremendously.

    Thank you for all the great work that you do!

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  5. I'm glad you asked this question, Pastor. I'm always curious too. I hope these folks will stop buy if they're ever around the boomin' berg of Hamel, IL on a Sunday a.m.

  6. Tim Schenks, member of Zion Lutheran Church in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Been reading your blog for over four years.

  7. Lifelong LCMS Lutheran, 4th generation member of my congregation, St. John Lutheran in Salem, Oregon. I came across your blog probably from Pastor McCain's blog - not sure anymore how I found him! Between the two of you, I have learned new things and been reminded of things I'd probably forgotten. I'm at a place in my life where some things happened, not good things, and my faith has been tested. It is stronger than ever, and I'm more certain of my salvation than I have ever been. I have ended up with The Essential Lutheran Library, thanks to reading posts here and over at cyberbrethren! I really enjoy seeing what you have to say. I just wish I could someday visit your church for worship, but it's a heck of a commute!! I think your blog is a wonderful ministry. And congratulations on hitting that big number!

  8. Hi Will. It's me Jeremy. I'm a pastor living in Elkton MD, serving in Newark DE. In the middle of my 6th year here after 5 years in Columbus OH. I'm married with 3 kids, the 4th kid will be here right around Holy Week.

    I don't know how I found your blog, but it is good, on my daily list of things to read. The writings and thoughts you share on the liturgy are my favorite parts.

    I find the work you do on this blog to be very valuable. Thanks for your time and effort.


  9. I'm Peter Ill, and I'm a pastor at St. John in Chester, Illinois. I appreciate the posts! Keep up the good work!


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  11. Congratulations on the page view milestone. I'm a formerly broadly evangelical person who became convinced of Lutheran doctrine and had to leave vital involvement in a very solid Calvinist setting. Along the way I was working toward greater involvement in pastoral ministry so pursued the same.

    Now I serve as a pastor of a church in your sister denomination the AALC, in the great metropolis of Watseka, Illinois. I'm also engaged teaching courses at an Internet based Christian school which strives to enable missionaries to stay on the field by providing them with high quality distance learning opportunities for their children.

    May Christ be praised in all!

  12. I'm a Reformed minister from the Northeast with Lutheran sympathies (not quite, but almost a crypto-Lutheran in Geneva). :-) I think I originally found your blog via Issues, Etc. Greatly appreciate the Christ-centered, sacramental, Law & Gospel accent of Luther and the first Reformers - and how consistently you speak with that accent here.

  13. Ross Engel,Senior Pastor at St. Peter's Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Middleburg, Florida (south of Jacksonville). Not sure exactly how I came across your blog (perhaps through one of the other blogs I follow, Cyberbrethren, Veith, Pastoral Meanderings, Issues Etc).. but I have thoroughly enjoyed reading not only your thoughts, but have utilized your "church father" quotes in my daily devotional time.

    Keep up the solid posts!

  14. Hello from Sioux City! A good cup of coffee in the morning and a stop at Pr. Weedon's blog, what could be better? Thanks to you, Issues Etc, Pr. Mclain, Pr. Fisk, and others on the blogosphere, I've re-discovered the joys of historic, confessing, Lutheranism. Thanks and keep posting!

  15. Greetings, Will. This is actually a blast from the past. I'm Tom Vanderbilt and St. Paul, Hamel was my field work congregation while I was seminarian (1993-4). I'm now the pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church in Madison, TN... just north of Nashville.

    I enjoy following your blog. I really enjoyed the recent video taken from the chancel area. Not much has changed since my years there.

    Blessings to you and St. Paul!

  16. Former Lutheran, current Orthodox Christian, long-time reader of this blog. I've probably been a daily reader for around 8 years or so now.

  17. I see by looking I couldn't possibly have been reading for 8 years, LOL. At least 6 to 6.5, though. I don't think I got on with the first post (per the blogroll, June of 2004?), but I've been reading it since before we moved to Georgia, which was August of 2005, 6 years ago.

  18. Bill Scott here. Adult convert to the Lutheran faith from an SDA to Church of Christ...who kept harping on worshipping as the early church did. That led to CCEL.org and the writings of the early fathers, and the discovery of a church that did worship as the early church did. So, eventually I wound up in the LCMS. I found your blog through Pr. Peters blog. Every morning, it's Pastoral Meanderings and your blog as the first two blogs to hit. Then, Issues ETC and Whitehorse Inn, along with WMLT. Thanks for your many quotes as I've purchased several of the books quoted.

  19. Wow, and yet not surprising. My family worship at St John Wheaton, IL. Like most readers here, your site is in the mix with good company like Cyberbrethren and Issues Etc. Thank you kindly, your site is a daily blessing. May God keep you in good health for our benefit. Blessing to you and your family.

  20. LCMSer here. I'm a professor and Dept Head at a large, top-25 social science department.

  21. Mark Peters, cantor and organist looking for a new home as my congregation recently "voted me off the island" due to financial issues. Great blog-appreciate the quotes.

  22. I'm CAS...I'm a lifelong Lutheran from the north end of the map.

    I've been active in my Lutheran congregation for some time, but lately I'm finding myself tumbling and wrestling with a number of things in my faith.

    I've been reading several blogs written by LCMS pastors and have learned a lot-but also have found that I've got even more questions to tumble over.

  23. Hello from the United kingdon.

    Pastor Weedon I discovered your blog two years ago after seeing some of your Youtube videos of DS 3 which is a liturgy I was brought up with in the ELCE and still think has yet to be bettered.
    Currently I don't have a Lutheran Congregation near me and I attend the local Anglican Cathedral Church which has a strong liturgical bias and the preaching is, as far as I can detect, in accordance with the Lutheran Confessions. Never the less it is a great blessing to be able to read your blog and keep in touch with all things Lutheran and the LCMS.

    Many thanks,

    Richard S.

  24. Hi, I am Amie, about a year long Lutheran and came here from Concordian Sisters (I think). I link a lot of your quotes on my blog (that has no one reading it but is a place for me to keep track of my favorite things). I am a member of Hope Lutheran (WELS) in Irmo, SC.

  25. I'm Michael Paul, Associate Pastor at St. Paul's, LCMS in Evansville, Indiana. I'm called primarily to serve as pastor to the Chinese community in Evansville. I'm a former synodical missionary to Macau and Taiwan
