23 August 2011

Opening Liturgy from Trinity 9 - Pr. Harrison as Celebrant

1 comment:

  1. Auch bekannt als Past Elder.

    Good thing for YouTube, otherwise I should never have heard or seen this in an LCMS church.

    Straight up Page 15 (or whatever the hell it is living incognito in LSB) and 9. Sonntag nach Trinitatis. Rock and roll! So zu sagen natürlich.

    Among the many things that always resonate and resound with me in the Common Service is the clean and clear announcement of the grace of God and forgiveness of sins -- as opposed to the mealy mouthed "may" this and "may" that of my former experience in the miserable shores of the miserable Tiber.

    Und das Zeichen des heiligen Kreuzes auch!!
