24 September 2011


Why do I NEVER remember Hymn #521 until the bulletin is finished for St. Michaels????


  1. same reason I have forgotten in recent years, decaying memory banks but thanks to your reminder I have prepared the additional collect for use tonight and tomorrow... or you could put off observance till after SS M&AA... there is some precedent for anticipating and some for continuing to celebrate Days and Seasons. Harvey Mozolak

  2. There's always next year Will!

    But here are some tips:

    You could put a reminder on your blog in August asking the readers to remind you ahead of time.

    Tie a string around your finger.

    A post-it note on your computer that says 521

    Delegate the remembering to your organist.

    Sing 521 each and every Sunday until everyone has it memorized so that next year (when you forget, ahem) you can sing it from memory.

    Hope these help. Now what's the topic I'm kidding you about?


  3. Can't you just tell people that you're going to do Hymn 521 in place of hymn xxx? Or does a change in the bulletin rank as heresy? :)

  4. Decaying memory banks. I like that line, Harvey!

    Jeremy, I'll try the string...

    Chris, heresy when you musicians have prepared OTHER pieces...

  5. So are you using 522? THAT'S the one you don't want to forget!

  6. You're the priest, Fr. Weedon. You call the shots when it comes to the Divine Liturgy, not us pretentious musicians. :)

  7. We ain't got no priests.

  8. Terry,

    Yes you do.

  9. If you say so sport. But we ain't got no priests.
