28 September 2011

Sad to say...

...they did it.  Minnesota South has sold University Lutheran Chapel's building.  Pr. Peters expresses his distress here.  I utterly agree, and the only thing I'd add is this:  let us not in righteous indignation fall into the snare of the devil.  Rather, when wronged by religious authority, let us do exactly what our Lord commanded us to do:  pray for those who do the wrong for the gift of repentance; pray for the wronged for strength to be kind and forgiving and loving especially to those who have wronged them; and above all put our concern for University Lutheran Chapel to action by gifts of support.  "...even when steeples are falling."


  1. I say it's more a matter of driving the moneychangers out of the temple, whip in hand.

  2. This is so very unbelievable by those claiming to believe in our Confessions, which clearly teach that Christ's kingdom exists only through Word and Sacraments (BOC, AP, X, 5). All of their talk of ministry spits in the face of our confessions. Period.

    I agree, though, that prayer is needed as much now as when this first came to light.

    Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

  3. from Psalm 74:
    "They break down the carved work thereof at once with axes and hammers.

    They have cast fire into thy sanctuary, they have defiled by casting down the dwelling place of thy name to the ground.

    They said in their hearts, Let us destroy them together: they have burned up all the synagogues of God in the land."

  4. How is it that our District Presidents and their boards of directors have powers that the Synod President has no power to overcome?

    We scoff at the papacy, yet it appears to this layman that the DP's of the LCMS have like powers. This issue was not allowed to go to the congregations of the MNS District a mere nine months from now.

  5. I don't judge another's heart, but I do recall what our Lord said of the one who betrayed Him (Mark 14:21). If this doesn't constitute betrayal, I don't know what would.
