03 September 2011

This and That

Cindi continues to recuperate.  Progress is slow (a lot slower than when she had a hysterectomy more than a decade ago).  Tomorrow is the usual round of services, and then I'm fixing breakfast for Dave, Jo and Cindi.  We're HOPING she'll up to a bit of cards.  We'll see.  Labor Day I'll be driving out to Lincoln Kansas to inter my dear Eunice.  That same day, Jo goes into hospital to prep for surgery on Tuesday.  Never rains but it pours. Sometime I've got a very funny story about Dudly and Bekah, but not now.


  1. Prayers for Cindi's healing and comfort. Back surgery is a bear in the best of situations... don't hold back on the pain meds. If you hurt, you don't heal as well.

    Have a safe journey and God's blessings on your family.

  2. May the Lord continue to heal his handmaid!

  3. Hehehe. I can only imagine her face!

  4. Glad Cindi’s surgery went well and has safely passed. Prayers are for our Lord’s abiding presence, to restore remove all tension an anxiety while he restores her to full health.
