14 September 2011

University Lutheran Chapel

in Minnesota has long been one of the flagship campus ministries of the LCMS.  Today the Minnesota South Board of Directors made the absolutely inane and foolish decision to SELL the building in which they dwell for some $3 mullion buckeroos.  Pray for Pr. Kind.  Pray for his wonderful parish.  But let us put our love into action:  give toward the purchase of their own property.  You can do so right here.  If you want to see more and more college students formed in the faith expressed in the Small Catechism and the lived Lutheran liturgy, please help out.  And I have to say, given the remarkably gentle and pastoral way that Pr. Kind has conducted himself through this trial where his own District turned on him and his parish, I think he would make a FABULOUS president of the Minnesota South District next year.  You folks in Minnesota, remember to nominate him!  I suspect he would end up being the sort of president who makes sure that the ministry of Word and Sacrament is always valued far, far more than the dollars that might be obtained from the sale of property.  "You cannot serve God and mammon" remains as true today as it ever was.


  1. Districts are a subdivision of synod. Perhaps synod will find it worthy to step in.

  2. @John, even the pope doesn't involve himself in episcopal property issues.

  3. Amen. Donation made. I pray others follow.

  4. Come next month I will have some money I was wondering what to donate toward. This looks about right.

    Rev. Brandt Hoffman
    Anchorage, AK

  5. It is all the more reason why each district should have term limits on the offices of DP. I know North Dakota does.

  6. I have written an e-mail which I hope is delivered to Pastor Harrison, and I put my bit in the mail last week.
    Also the suggestion was made to appeal to the DP of Minn. No. as their members' money also built the chapel.
    His name is Don Fondow.

    LCMS in Wisconsin may also have been involved, but I don't have a name there.
