01 October 2011

OCTOBER? When did THAT get here?

It's been one of those "get to" weekends.  Friday, Cindi and I were up before the sun rose and headed to Concordia University - Chicago for a Board of Regents meeting.  It was a beautiful day to travel;  the weather was crisp and cold, the leaves turning everywhere we looked.  We always treasure our Friday evening dinner while there - we try to pick someplace (and cuisine) we've not eaten before.  Yesterday it was a Venezuelan restaurant.  We enjoyed making the acquaintance of a new regent, Angel (that's pronounced An-hell - he's Cuban in heritage) and look forward to him bringing his wife along next time so Cindi will have someone to get into trouble with during the day, shopping in Oak Park, and that way we can also play cards in the evening. After the morning meeting, we packed up and headed home (refueling at Starbucks, of course).   Trip is almost exactly  four and half hours..  We got home by 4, and then had Divine Service at 6.  I'm ready for bed - truthfully, I was ready for bed BEFORE the Service!

Tomorrow after late service we have a new members welcome luncheon sponsored by our LWML.  Then catechesis and following THAT a wiener roast, celebrating Meaghan and my birthdays (5 and 4 October respectively).  Monday morning have to be up bright and early so Sister Sandy Bowers and I can drive to Rend Lake in time for the opening liturgy at the SID Pastors' Conference.  At this rate, November will be here before I come up for air - well, not quite.  Because AFTER pastoral conference, I intend to take a "working vacation" doing some serious writing, and enjoying a bit of family time and the glories of nature.

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