16 October 2011

Sunday's This and That

Woke to a text that Rebekah Curtis had gone into labor and Pr. Gleason was off to serve the liturgy at Zion, Carpenter and at Trinity, Worden.  Heard later that she delivered little Eve Donita Mathilda Curtis safely - thanks be to God!  The children of TSP were singing at St. Paul's today, so I heard the good news directly from Mary Curtis.  The children did such a fabulous job on the Hymn of the Day!  "Seek where you may" is a song you've not really HEARD till little voices are belting it out in your ears.  The children sang all of the first three verses, just leaving the last verse for the congregation.  Beautiful job.  "Sent forth" was the last hymn, and I'm always surprised at how LOUDLY the congregation sings that one.  They must like the English pub music tune. After service I got myself wrapped into a pig-kissing contest...don't ask.  The school kids have to raise $10,000 for it to happen - no way, right?  Then had the joy of pledging new sponsors to Calvin.  Got home to hear that after her long struggle with cancer, Suzie Barone has passed away - our prayers are with Florene and her family.  Yet another parent burying a child - how wrong it is.  God give her strength!  Now a lunch with David and Cindi.  Workout with David.  Then Catechism at 4.  Then to get some bulletins drawn up and sent Joanie's way before tomorrow a.m.


  1. They might.
    Wash the piglet's face and think of him as a puppy!

  2. where do we send donations?


  3. What's the $10K going to go for?
