26 October 2011

Thanking God for the gift of Gerhardt

O sacred head, now wounded,
With grief and shame weighed down,
Now scornfully surrounded
With thorns Thine only crown.
O sacred head, what glory,
What bliss till now was Thine!
Yet, though despised and gory,
I joy to call Thee mine.

My Savior, be Thou near me
When death is at my door;
Then let Thy presence cheer me,
Forsake me nevermore!
When soul and body languish,
O leave me not alone,
But take away mine anguish
By virtue of Thine own.

Be Thou my consolation,
My shield when I must die.
Remind me of Thy passion
When my last hour draws night.
Mine eyes shall then behold Thee,
Upon Thy cross shall dwell,
My heart by faith enfold Thee.
Who dieth thus, dies well.


  1. No truer words have been written. It brings tears to my eyes every time I sing it. I love it so much it's one of the mainstays on my ipod.

  2. AMEN. It is very hard to sing without choking up. Goes to the heart - in both senses.

  3. Right up there with, We Paise You and Acknowledge You. Words that choke one up.
