24 November 2011

Thanks be to God for...

...the gift of His Son and His Spirit
...the forgiveness of sins and the promise of the resurrection
...the companionship of his saints as we journey toward our home
...the incomparable joys of music and singing
...family, friends, challenging folk, and those who treat us as enemies
...modern marvels like the internet, email, texting - ways to keep in touch
...the genius of the Daily Office and the joys of the Holy Eucharist
...the privilege of prayer and the guidance offered by those who walked with the Lord in the past
...congregational family
...the freedom to move, throw, lift, and run quickly
...food, drink, house, home
...the hymnal and its treasures
...Dave Ramsey and his guidance on matters financial
...the faces of children in catechesis when the light bulb goes on and they totally "get it"
...the gift of memory that is able to hold onto the past and words to pass its wonders on
...silence and candle-light
...art that proclaims the Gospel
...the sweet alteration of rest and work
...the joy of learning ever more
...the silliness of dogs and the wisdom of cats
...conviviality of friends that cheers the heart weighed down
...the Life that shines beyond all corruption and death and fills our hearts with hope and joy everlasting!

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