05 December 2011

Happy birthday, Sis, etc.

Today is my only sister's birthday.  She's 65 years old, and she's still my favorite sister in all the world.  Wish we got to see her and Jimmy more.  May the Lord grant you many more and may they be filled with joy, Sis!

Taught Catechism today and did Daycare Chapel, home for Matins and then off to St. Louis to visit a member in Children's (well, visit her mom and grandma, more accurately).  Prayers arise!

Did a decent run at the Y today (15 minutes sprints) and then a nice 45 minute walk.  Cindi joined me for much of the walk.  She's still limping a bit after she walks for a while, but it's great to see her getting back into our routine.

Came home, grab a quick shower and prepped for radio show tomorrow and then Evening Prayer.

We had Dave and Jo up for dinner. Experimented tonight with a primal blueprint menu - and it was tasty.  We served a spaghetti sauce (beef and sausage) over some spaghetti squash, had a side of a refreshing and zippy pesto-cole slaw, and finished up with some walnut cinnamon crackers.  Dave and Jo largely approved, though the excess basil in the pesto made us all sit up and take notice!

AND in her INFINITE graciousness, she beat us all at Liverpool.  TWICE.  Rude thing!  But she needed the pick me up, I think, because she's feeling pretty miserable.  Keep her in your prayers.

Now it's bedtime again, and the pile of work gets ever higher.  Ah well.  Our Lord's wisdom is the best:  "don't be anxious for tomorrow; tomorrow will be anxious for itself."  So, time to hit the hay and see what surprises the morrow brings.  "Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit..."

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