23 December 2011


Sermons done.  Prayer of the Church readied.  The great Nativity feast is almost upon us!  The children arrive home at various times today and we'll have a full house.  I think some cookie baking, some hymn singing, and some games are in the offing.  We've promised a big breakfast served up this evening.  Then tomorrow more breakfast as we do our family Christmas - a pastor's family always has to make some adjustments about the celebration, and we've found it works well for us to celebrate the morning of the Eve.  We'll still have a big family dinner on Christmas noon, but that will be separate from presents and such.  We've minimized the present aspect this year as we save towards a family trip to Cancun this year (with a BIG boost from the very nice 25th anniversary of ordination gift that the congregation gave us).  Met with our travel agent yesterday and boy, am I psyched to get back to Mexico - and see the kids' faces when they see that beauty first hand.

Meanwhile, Groking on and enjoying the Primal living.  Can't even believe how fast the body changed eating and living and exercising this way!  I think my favorite time of the day has become the evening.  We shut down the computers, turn off all things electronic (save music sometimes), and sit in the candle-light/kerosene lamp light and visit, or read.

Last night I began reading a wonderful work that my dear friend, Paul McCain, had sent me:  Matt Carver's latest installment of *The Great Works of God.*  It almost makes me want to weep for joy as I read along in that book and let Herberger preach Jesus to me.  Great, great stuff.

Oh, and speaking of Paul and all things CPH, did you all see that PrayNow AND Pastoral Care are both available on Android?  Sweet.  I know that I've come to find them both wonderfully handy in that format.  If you've got an iPhone or an Android devise, check them out!

I'm really looking forward to taking my last week of vacation, beginning right after Christmas Day service.  I have a pile of writing to attend to and I want to make a serious dent in it.  I figure if I spend the mornings writing, I'll take off the rest of each day.  So, if the blogging is scarce after Christmas, you'll know why!

And that's about a wrap for the moment.  If I don't get back to the blog before the great Feast, I wish to every blog reader a most joyous celebration of the Nativity - and thank you for checking in here.

All my heart again rejoices...


  1. ...as I hear, far and near, sweetest angel voices!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family as well.

    I very much enjoy reading your blog. And I enjoy your conversations with Todd on Issues.

    Joy to you in 2012.


  2. Thanks, Jeremy! To you and yours as well.
