24 December 2011

We Praise You, Jesus

We praise You, Jesus, at Your birth;
Clothed in flesh You came to earth.
The Virgin bears a sinless boy
And all the angels sing for joy.

Now in the manger we may see
God's Son from eternity,
The gift from God's eternal throne
Here clothed in our poor flesh and bone.

The Virgin Mary's lullaby
Calms the infant Lord Most High,
Upon her lap content is He
Who keeps the earth and sky and sea.

The Light Eternal breaking through
Made the world to gleam anew;
His beams have pierced the core of night,
He makes us children of the light.

The very Son of God sublime
Entered into earthly time
To lead us from this world of cares
To heaven's courts as blessed heirs.

In poverty He came to earth
Showing mercy by His birth;
He makes us rich in heavenly ways
As we, like angels, sing His praise.

All this for us our God has done
Grant love through His own Son.
Therefore, all Christendom, rejoice
And sing His praise with endless voice.

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