08 January 2012

New primal meal tonight...

...sort of.  We don't actually eat much in the evenings as a rule.  So Cindi and I cracked open a can of smoked oysters and ate them on some of our almond crackers.  First time I've eaten oysters - pretty good!  Next I have to try them raw on the half shell.


  1. Once you have raw oysters on the half-shell, the doors of perception will open for you. The world is a better place because of raw oysters on the half-shell. That and oyster shooters. Make mine with horseradish, please!

  2. I love horseradish. MUST TRY.

  3. Shooters are the best!!

    BTW, what is your recipe for almond crackers or do you get those Blue Diamond packaged ones? I'm trying to find a good almond meal cracker recipe that doesn't break your teeth. :-)

  4. Sage,

    1 cup almond flour
    1 egg white
    some salt, onion powder, garlic powder

    Spray tin foil about the size of cookie sheet; roll out, but put piece of plastic wrap on top or it will stick to rolling pin. Make it cracker thin; slice with a pizza cutter. Sprinkle with a bit more salt and stick in oven - preheated 350 - for MAYBE 10 minutes. Keep an eye and nose on it. Should be golden brown. You can improvise a bit on it with sesame seeds, poppy seeds, etc.

  5. Keep in mind Will that fresh oysters from the Delmarva are what you need. Some blue crab, clam strips, hush puppies, good worship at my church... Think about that for next summer! ;-)


  6. No to the hushpuppies, but the rest sounds fabulous, Jeremy!

  7. I can't tempt you with a hush puppy?

    By that time #4 will be here so you can come and read that one book you recommend. Getting four kids under 7 bathed with their teeth brushed and ready for bed might fulfill the "lifting heavy stuff" exercise plan of this primal diet.

    I'm trying to eat less processed foods. I'm exercising more and since Dec. 1 I'm down 7 lbs.


  8. you're from Maryland and you've never had oysters?
