01 January 2012

Now Greet!

Now greet the swiftly changing year,
With joy and penitence sincere.
Rejoice! Rejoice! 
With thanks embrace another year of grace!

Remember now the Son of God 
And how He shed His infant blood.
Rejoice! Rejoice! 
With thanks embrace another year of grace!

This Jesus came to end sin’s war; 
This Name of names for us He bore.
Rejoice! Rejoice! 
With thanks embrace another year of grace!

His love abundant far exceeds 
The volume of a whole year’s needs
Rejoice! Rejoice! 
With thanks embrace another year of grace!

With Him as Lord to lead our way
In want and in prosperity,
What need we fear in earth or space
In this new year of grace!

"All glory be to God on high
And peace on earth!" the angels cry.
Rejoice! Rejoice! 
With thanks embrace another year of grace!

God, Father, Son, and Spirit, hear!
To all our pleas incline Your ear;
Upon our lives rich blessings trace
In this new year of grace.  
Lutheran Service Book, Hymn 896

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