23 January 2012

Old Lutheran Quote of the Day

Oh Lord Jesus, You also promised me faithfulness and love in my Baptism.  Do not disregard Your old pledge.  Let me know indeed that Your Word is true and certain.  Be with me in all that I do.  Be with me when I pray; help strengthen my prayer that it may be heard by Your Father.  Be with me when I suffer trouble and misery, and comfort me.  Be with me when the evil one distresses and attacks me, and protect me.  Do me good, that all my enemies, death, the devil, and hell, may see it.  Forgive me all my sins, that my enemies may be ashamed, and take me to heaven in spite of all their ranting and raving.  -- Blessed Valerius Herberger, The Great Works of God III/IV, p. 77.

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