24 January 2012

On the devotional side of life...

...which is a favorite of mine, I had a friend lately write me to inquire about suggestions for his own devotions (which is a handy word for the discipline of daily time in the Scriptures and in prayer).  I wrote him back to commend once again the beloved Treasury, but to add on that there are now two companion volumes (and a third on the way) that even deepen its value.

I'm referring to *A Year in the New Testament* which provides a meditation upon each of the NT readings for the day according to the LSB Daily Lectionary; and *A Year in the Church Fathers* which provides a choice selection from a wide array of early Church fathers, connected to one of the readings for the day.  I've posted snippets from that volume since I purchased it.  A book on the OT readings is in the works, I know, but I'm not sure where matters stand on its appearing.

But even with just the resources at hand, that means you have THREE writings each day to help you ponder and contemplate the daily lectionary readings.  Add to this that with the PrayNow App, you don't have to lug your Treasury along with you - it fits in your iPad or iPhone or whatever.  I'd love to see CPH put in the option of selecting the "writing" for the day from the Treasury itself or from one of the newer *A Year...* books!


  1. As said on FB, CPH should add an in-app purchase for these "A Year" readings in the PrayNow app.

  2. Are there plans for "A Year in the Old Testament?"

  3. Yes, I believe that Dr. Lessing is writing those up.

  4. I've had Treasury for a long time but it was difficult to carry around along with the other books I want to keep nearby. Just got the Kindle edition with the hope to make more use of it.

  5. Because of some health issues in my family I've spent quite a lot of time in the last year or so in hospital/clinic waiting rooms. The Kindle edition of TDP (as well as the Lutheran Study Bible and the confessions) has been a blessing to have while I had to sit and wait for results. I can't imagine not having TDP around in some form.
