22 March 2012

Installation Set

I will be installed as the Director of Worship and the International Center Chaplain in a service at the LCMS International Center on Monday, May 7, 10 a.m., God willing.  President Harrison will preach; District President Scharr will install; Cindi will be singing a piece; Choir will sing; the amazing Mark Bender will be at the organ and we'll even be singing his wonderful setting of Starke's Te Deum.  Join us if you can!

The band of the apostles in glory sing Your praise,
The fellowship of prophets their deathless voices raise,
The martyrs of Your kingdom, a great and noble throng,
Sing with the holy Church throughout all the world this song:
"O All-majestic Father, Your true and Only Son,
And Holy Spirit, Comforter - forever Three in One!"


  1. Fr. Weedon,

    It's your installation and I believe there are few greater hymns than the Te Deum, but there are many many finer settings of this majestic hymn than Starke's. Why don't you choose another one say like Handel's Dettingen Te Deum or even Byrd's from the Great Service? Just a thought.

  2. It is also the commemoration of CFW Walther! What a great day indeed!
