27 March 2012

New Lutheran Quote of the Day

The appropriateness of the Incarnate Lord's exercising the office of judge, in which the Father and the Holy Spirit are most intimately united with Him, is discerned when we bear in mind that the criterion determining the destiny of each man is his acceptance or rejection of the person and work of Jesus Christ.  -- Dr. John R. Stephenson, Eschatology, p. 108.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    No doubt there is context for this, but standing by itself, it leaves something to be desired. Putting “acceptance” and “rejection” into the same sentence without explanation ignores the fact that we are able to “reject”, but unable to “accept”. “I am baptized,” was Martin Luther’s joyous affirmation that he had done nothing to accept “the person and work of Jesus Christ.” Everything was given to Him in the waters of Baptism. Being “drowned in the waters of Baptism” does not qualify as “acceptance” in the normal meaning of the word, unless you consider waterboarding to be a legitimate form of persuasion.

    Our Lord clearly told us what the “criterion determining the destiny of each man is”: (Matthew 25:34) “Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world…” And afterwards there was something about feeding, giving drink, clothing, etc. someone whom “the blessed of my Father” did not even recognize. Could it be that our Lord is more concerned about “the least of my brothers” than that we recognize His person and work? Not that we should not do the latter, but if we do and are not concerned about the least of His brothers, what destiny does that determine for us?

    Peace and Joy!
    George A. Marquart
