24 April 2012

Old Lutheran Quote of the Day

When You bless me, You, with Your heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit are with me.  When I pray, You hear me.  When I am in misery, You comfort me.  When I suffer trials, You protect me.  When I must die, You will save me.  If You are for me, who can be against me?  You are superior to every power in the world.  You bless me.  You keep me wherever I go; You are my faithful Companion and Guide.  You are my Keeper; You neither slumber nor sleep.  Who can do me harm?  You bless me.  You will not forsake me.  "Oh, do not forsake me, lest I forsake You," I say with the pious martyr Annas Burgius.  O Lord, Your blessing is my life.  Amen. -- Blessed Valerius Herberger, The Great Works of God III/IV, p. 189.

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