09 April 2012

What I love about Easter at St. Paul's?

HYMNS.  We not only had "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" as Entrance, not only had "Christ Jesus Lay" as Hymn of Day, not only had "Now All the Vault" as closing, but we got to sing SIX Distribution Hymns:

I know that My Redeemer Lives
Christ has arisen!  Alleluia!
At the Lamb's High Feast
Good Christian Friends Rejoice
The Day of Resurrection
He's Risen!  He's Risen!

Add in that the choir sang during Distribution "Glory to God in Highest Heaven!" and we STILL had more Sacrament to distribute than we had music to sing.  So Carlo improvised some on the organ as the Distribution concluded.  Great joy!  Service lasted about an hour and forty minutes, I believe.

P.S.  I should add in that at Matins we also got to sing "Awake My Soul."

1 comment:

  1. Sounds a bit like what happened here at St. Paul's in Brookfield, IL. I loved it, but my wife is nursing a cold and complained a bit that she had to wait so long to blow her nose. Oh well.
