19 May 2012

Crazy Week and Weekend

After getting back from Arkansas on Tuesday evening, the remaining week days flew by.  Thursday was Meaghan's graduation, which I missed.  But she is now a doctor of physical therapy!  Congrats!!!  AND she is gainfully employed.  Thanks be to God!

Friday was Dean's graduation.  I went to work early and came home early.  Cindi had started the grass and I finished it up.  We showered, ate a quick dinner, and headed back into St. Louis to see Dean walk the dais.  It was a great moment.  I got to chat briefly with Pr. Martin Schulz, whose son John, was also in Dean's class.  That makes FOUR generations of pastors for that family.  Wow.  What a beautiful heritage.  I remember Martin's dad and thought the world of him (and also of Martin).  John's parish will be blessed with him, as I'm certain beyond all doubt that St. Paul's in Norlina, NC will be blessed with Dean and Lauren.  Dean will be ordained at Holy Cross in Collinsville on July 15 and he'll be installed in the weekend after Labor Day in Norlina.  Anywho, we got back home late and enjoyed our favorite BBC drink and then tumbled to bed, completely wiped. 

This morning bright and early we started the yard sale.  Cindi and the girls (and Jo) have been working on this for the longest time.  I was skeptical, but it turned out to be a smashing success.  They ended up getting rid of every heavy piece of furniture or appliance we were trying to sell and tons of the littler stuff.  We loaded up the left overs into the van, ran them down to Good Will (and waited in a long line of folks doing the same thing!), and then returned the tables we'd borrowed from St. Paul's.  Home for a bite of dinner and then we went separate ways for Church.  Cindi served as cantor at St. Paul's, and yours truly attended Zion in Staunton, where Pr. Fritsche delivered yet another fine homily - masterfully weaving together the appointed pericopes for Exaudi.  His joy in the Lord is a beauteous thing to behind - his face beams with delight as he preaches.

Tomorrow promises to be another run, run day.  David and Meaghan hope to move much stuff over to the apartment in Highland where they will live following the wedding - which is, what, two weeks from today???  YIKES.  We'll be helping them and I sure hope also finding a wee bit of down time before Monday arrives.  I told Cindi I hope we don't have ANY plans for Memorial Day because three days of absolutely nothing sounds downright heavenly.

Still ahead:  wedding, family vacation, deaconess conference, missionary orientation, Dean's ordination in July, grandson's birth in August, helping Lauren, Dean and Baby move to NC, and Dean's installation in September.  Cindi and I were figuring that MAYBE by October things would actually settle down?  Maybe???  We can but hope.  And we try not to think about what it will be like to have Pr. Herberts and family so far away...

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