09 May 2012

New Lutheran Quote of the Day

This unfortunate turn of events was reversed by Luther who restored the liturgy of the hours back to its proper place as the prayer services of the whole church, laity and clergy alike.  He returned the reading of Scripture back to its original place as the major part of the liturgy from which flowed the psalms, hymns, and prayers of the daily office.  And the canticles of the liturgy of the hours were now made simpler so that the people could sing them. 

Luther used the daily office as the foundation for his devotional life and his prayers.  We would be in good company if our private devotional life as pastors found its place within the context of the church's common prayer.  To do this, all we need to do is return to using the daily offices as the foundation for our devotional life.  -- Dr. Arthur Just, The Devotional Life of the Pastor in Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord, p. 98.


  1. where can one buy this book?

  2. I am not sure. It was given to me. It's a festschrift in honor of Glenn Zweck.

  3. In Eamon Duffy's "Stripping of the Altars" he details the pretty widespread use of the Hours and other daily offices by English laity prior to the Reformation.

  4. What kind of revisionist history is this? The hours were never removed from the practices of the Western Church, never. They were however generally more practiced by monastics, who had the time and vocation to devote to the hours.

  5. I could see a great new app. The hours on your phone, you could select which ones you want to "chime" and then stop for a few minutes to pray, sing or chant.

    I have gotten into the habit of 0900 1200 and 1500, just reminding myself daily to stop if I can. It would be great if there was music to go with it on the phone. Good conversation piece too. Spread the gospel. :-)

  6. Sage, it would be great if PrayNow could be set up like that!

  7. I've been waiting for them to post your installation sermon . . . do you know if they will?


  8. Is this it? http://www.ctsbookstore.com/p-4374-teach-me-thy-way-o-lord.aspx?SearchTerm=teach me thy way

  9. Jim,

    No clue.


