06 June 2012

At all times and in all places...

...thanksgiving, that is.  Meet, right, and salutary whenever and wherever.  Last night Cindi's phone rang about 1:30.  Didn't recognize the number and so she didn't answer it.  They called again.  Still let it go.  Then Larry Barringer called.  Uh-oh.  David and Meaghan had a break-in in Italy at the place they were staying.  The thief (or thieves) actually robbed them while they asleep in their bedroom.  Spooky!  So gone are David's SS card, his wallet, their cash, and Meaghan's very nice camera.  Much to complain about, right?  I've been thinking today much to give thanks for:

Thank you, Father, that David and Meaghan were not hurt;
Thank you, Father, that nothing has been lost that cannot be replaced;
Thank you, Father, that the thieves were apparently scared off before taking the kids' laptops or finding their passports.
Thank you, Father, that they had each other at a very difficult moment and were able to comfort one another other and grow through a taste of adversity.
Thank you, Father, that Meaghan's grandma thought of traveler's insurance.

And thanksgiving also calls forth intercessions:

May it please You to send Your holy angels to stand guard over them;
May it please You to prevent this burglary from weighing on their minds and hearts, turning them to fear;
May it please You to stir them up to thankfulness to You for Your protective care;
May it please you to bring them home in safety and in peace.

Glory to God for all things!


  1. Pastor

    Well stated... I pray it with you...


  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Dear Rev. Weedon: I am glad that your kids are OK. It is frightening enough when something like this happens in one’s own country, but amid strangers with a language one doesn’t understand, it must be doubly so.

    Nevertheless, something of this nature happens uncounted numbers of times every day throughout the world. What does not happen every day is that someone finds in it an occasion to give thanks. For this I thank you and our merciful Father. Your words are a powerful witness to the fact that the children of God are not of this world, and they encourage and bring joy to every one of His children who reads them.

    Peace and Joy!
    George A. Marquart

  3. Pr. Weedon,

    My wife mentioned these events to me that she learned of through a facebook group for LCMS wives (she didn't mention names, of course). I didn't realize I'd been praying for your family for the last few days, but am happy to include David and Meaghan in my daily prayers.

  4. Thanks, Scotty.

    Dear George, what kind words. Thank you.

    Pr. Beck, thank you so much for the prayers. They are back in the states now.
