28 June 2012

Less than an hour

after the decision was issued from the Supreme Court of the United States, we gathered in chapel for worship at the International Center.  Dr. Oschwald gave us great joy out of Acts 16.  And in our prayers we remembered those afflicted by the wildfires, our new missionaries, and also prayed for our country:

Holy Father, You know how divided we have been as a nation on the question of health care as on many other public policy issues. Forgive us where we have failed to explain our neighbors’ actions in the kindest ways, when we let tempers flare and sully each others’ reputations. You have commanded us to pray for all our public servants and so we come to You now putting them all in Your omnipotent hands. We thank you for each branch of our state and federal governments. Grant them Your guidance in these difficult days. Help them to pursue policies that protect the rights of all the citizens of this nation to practice their faith without coercion or interference, and yet give them Your wisdom that together we might find ways to meet the deep needs and persistent challenges before us. Help us as a people to turn to You, to learn from You, to value what You value and to prize what You prize. Without Your blessing, we will surely bring it all to ruin; with Your blessing, we will not fail. We ask all these things in the name of Him who gave His very life in love for us and for all, even Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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