27 February 2013

On the Retirement

from my good friend, Dr. John Stephenson:  Thoughts on the Retirement of the Professor Pope.


  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Pastor Weedon,

    Thanks so much for linking to this article on your blog, because otherwise, I would have not seen it.

    What a great piece from Dr. Stephenson! (my old prof.) I had been having a good conversation with
    Schutz in Australia (who I also found about through you), and this was perhaps the perfect piece to end that conversation: http://scecclesia.com/?p=6986

    Blessings to you and yours! Thank you again for all of your work.


  2. Fine words, indeed! Let us also be careful to remember the very safe and prescient warning Dr. Hermann Sasse made many years ago in a letter that could have been written yesterday. Permit me to refer readers to my blog for the whole post:

