07 March 2013

The Last Day

No, not THAT last day: just the last day of the Historic Liturgy Series on Issues, Etc. (or as Todd has taken to calling it "classical Christian worship").  You can listen to the series here: Historic Liturgy.


  1. Hello!
    I came across your blog a couple of days ago. In particular, I found the entry posting from January 31, 2006, that includes a prayer by St. Basil the Great. It begins "I bless You, O Lord..."

    I would really appreciate it if you could tell me where you found that prayer/provide citation, as I cannot seem to locate the source.

    Thank you.

  2. I'm sorry, it was actually on Jan. 21st, not 31st, of 2006. Thank you.

  3. Melanie,

    I'm sorry. I no longer remember where I got that from! It is typical of so many of Basil's prayers that have come down to us.

  4. Melanie,

    In trying to help find the source I came across your well thoughtout and well written essay on St Basil.

  5. Thank you for reading. Yes, that essay is why I was trying to find the source of the prayer. That pesky 4th century! :)
