18 February 2021

Catechesis: Sola Scriptura, not Nuda Scriptura

Fundamental, enduring unity in the church requires above all else a clear and binding summary and form in which a general summary of teaching is drawn together from God’s Word, to which the church that hold the true Christian religion confess their adherence.—SD Binding Summary, 1

First, we confess our adherence to the prophetic and apostolic writings of the Old and New Testaments, as to the pure, clear fountain of Israel, which alone is the one true guiding principle, according to which all teachers and teaching are to be judged and evaluated.—SD Binding Summary, 3

Since in ancient times the true Christian teaching as it was correctly and soundly understood was summarized on the basis of God’s Word in short articles or chief parts against the adulterations of heretics, we confession our adherence, secondly, to the three ecumenical creeds, the Apostles’, the Nicene, and the Athanasian, as the glorious confessions of the faith—succinct, Christian, based upon God’s Word, in which all the heresies that had at that time arisen within the Christian were clearly and thoroughly refuted.—SD Binding Summary, 4

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