14 July 2024
Another Making the Case in the Books…
…and if you weren’t there, why not? It was a great conference. I told Jeff I think it’s the perfect length: just part of the day Friday and all day Saturday. Outstanding speakers, joyous yet reverent liturgical worship (Compline, Matins, and Divine Service), and our hymn sing on Saturday afternoon. And I was given the most moving gift at the conference from the Ukrainian Lutheran bishop, Vyacheslav Horpynchuk (who due to the war was unable to be present with us): a copy of their service book, damaged by a Russian soldiers tossing a hand grenade into their facility when they saw the word Lutheran on it. I will treasure that! It was awesome to serve with Chaplain Simeon Raddatz and what was icing on the cake was being able to WEAR a chasuble and stole that belonged to my old friend Karl Bachman (that are now Simeon’s). See you there next year, folks! You don’t want to miss it!
Wow! That's a strong message from the Ukrainian bishop. May God bless and protect our Ukrainian friends!