25 March 2007

What Happened to Annunciation?

I'll save some thoughts on that for tomorrow. In the Western tradition, the Sundays of Lent are privileged and are not displaced by Annunciation. The day is instead transferred to the nearest free weekday. That would be tomorrow, Monday, March 26.


  1. The Church Year was made for man, not man for the Church Year.

  2. Would it be that, or would it be the first Monday after the 2nd Sunday in Easter?

  3. Paul,

    I know it's just your Orthodox leanings coming out. Our Eastern rite brothers and sisters observed the feast yesterday, because for them it trumps the Sundays of Lent.


    According to "da Man" it is today. I always consult him:


    The good deacon will not set you wrong.

  4. Christopher reminded me that in the Eastern rite the Annunciation does not trump the Sunday in Lent - you get the double dose of both instead. Right now, I'm off to give the joys of Annunciation to our local Lutheran High School! Pax!

  5. I would hope our Lord's incarnation would trump a Sunday in Lent!

    I've heard different things now on this point. Apparently in Bach's Leipzig BWV 1 was performed on March 25, 1725 which was a Sunday in Lent. Some say that historic Lutheranism did let Annunciation be celebrated on a Sunday in Lent, if that Sunday was not Palm Sunday?

    Petersen is off on his blog site ranting about this issue too, but I have no idea what the man is saying.

    All I know is that I'm glad we celebrated Annunication yesterday thus giving that joy of celebration to the more than 1200 people who showed up.

    In our congregation, if we had celebrated it today I doubt many would have taken any notice.

    Confusedly yours,

  6. Paul,

    The rules of Precedence are something you never need to worry yourself about figuring out. I don't either. Let the Deacon do the work for you. Just go to www.lexorandi.org and click on the calendar for the year. Voila! There you go.

    I think of precedence like the comma. I remember a prof in English telling us: "There are 32 rules of the comma in English; learn them and then you'll never have to be in doubt again." Needless to say, I have never bothered to learn them. I have a simpler method: wherever in speaking I would normally pause slightly, I insert a comma. I find that it's right about 80% of the time. Yeah, yeah, I always got papers back with red marks: "COMMA SPLICE" but I figured, tough. I paused as I spoke that, so it gets a comma. Deal.

    So here's my simple precedence rule that works about 80% of the time: the colors are the key. Green can be trumped by Red or White; and Purple (or Blue) is nono-trumpable on Sundays. Nothing trumps Holy Week or Easter.

    So that's my rule of thumb. And it mostly works, but when I need to check out a confusing detail - always go with the good deacon!

  7. In the Sabbaite Typikon the Annunciation trumps St. Mary of Egypt's commemoration for the Sunday in Lent, but no Feast of the Mother of God (including the Annunciation) ever trumps a Feast of the Lord. This would include the normal Sunday hymns from St. John Damaascene's Octoechos since Sundays are always dedicated to the Lord's Resurrection (mini-Paschas). Even when Pascha and Annunciation fall on the same day, which only happens on the Julian Calendar, both Feasts are then celebrated in full side by side - this is called Kyrio Pascha.

    So, this past Sunday the hymns for the Resurrection were first, then for the Annunciation, and St. Mary of Egypt's for the Fifth Sunday in Lent were dropped, or possibly moved if one were in a monastery. At Vespers we chanted the normal Sunday troparion twice and for the Feast only once, and at the canon in Matins we chanted the Irmos for the Resurrection and the Katavasia for the Feast.

    No one in Orthodoxy really tries to figure out the 'byzantine' rules of the Typikon. They refer to the printed rubrics for their jurisdiction: St. Tikhon's Monastery, Jordanville, the Mikron Typikon from Constantinople, etc.
