22 September 2007

Each Fall

I experience the same thing: there is something WRONG about preaching in the evening. Don't ask me what this is. But the same homily delivered in the morning light comes across differently than in the growing gloom of evening. I love our Saturday service, but I do not like how the preaching comes across then. And I don't think it's my imagination. Because it feels about the same as the light is growing in the Spring and in the Summer, but Fall and Winter produce a quite different experience. Almost like they are demanding a separate homily! Will have to give that some thought.


  1. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Of all the things I learned about preaching while in seminary, one of the earliest and best pieces of advice was that paying attention to the context and setting includes paying attention to the time of day.

    Very wise.

  2. I'm not sure if there is such a thing, but I've often thought that Fall and Winter evenings would be perfect for a Eucharistic Vespers and/or Compline service.
