22 September 2007

Lucy is so smart...

...that she knows what E V I L Thing is (spelled out) and what das Übel Ding ist auch. Sie ist eine sehr klüge Hunde.


  1. You need to get a picture of her saving you from the "evil thing"

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    you need to not have so many pictures of idiot and add some of the gorgeous queen (who can no longer be called FAT CAT, because she isn't fat, she went on a diet and lost weight.)

    I'm offended, you didn't put any pictures up of darling in her new home. I'm DYING to see them.

  3. Hey, English translation for us cabbage-impaired?? ;-)

  4. I said she also recognized "the evil thing" when said in German and that she is one clever dog!

  5. O.K., so the dog is better at language than I am!

    I do know a few things in German, but not appropriate for this blog. (Hint--many of you say it when you smash your fingers, drop something, or forget an ingredient in the hotdish!)

  6. Okay, now you've done it! Now I'll have to figure out a way to up the ante. Now I'll have to figure out how to get two Beagles to respond to a German speaking video camera! :-)
