31 March 2008

Long Day

Led devotions and taught two classes at TSP + Took the sacrament to a beloved shut in who is staying 2 hours away at her daughter's for treatments (and does she ever look GREAT - praise be to God!) + Visited with some wonderful folks considering membership + Cindi and I grabbed a bite of dinner + Board of Christian Life Meeting

That's all for the day. I'll have some comments on the day's developments regarding the Issues, Etc. front tomorrow, God willing. If you wrote me an email and I didn't get back to you, I'll try to address correspondence tomorrow too. Right now, I'm going to find out what Brother Odd intends to do about the problems facing the monastery. (Blame Philip!).


  1. I got the Schkades hooked on Odd Thomas during vicarage. Enjoy!

    The end of Brother Odd is amazing. And I mean the *very* end.

  2. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Say, how is that Board of Christian Life thing going anyway? Has it been helpful? If so, how? And, would you recommend the concept to other congregations?
    Inquiring minds want to know.


  3. They stay busy as beavers and have helped out with a number of projects around the Church and in the community. Now, who thunk such a critter up, eh? ;)
