30 March 2008

Our Beloved Schwarz Family from this Easter

That's Jeff, Jack, Emily, Katie, Justin, and Beth. God's blessings on Jeff and Beth's trip to Mayo this week! May the Holy Angels guard and protect them on their journeys and may God grant them good success. We love you guys.


  1. ♥♥♥♥♥♥ God Bless Beth ♥♥♥♥♥♥

    I know how it goes when a family member has health issues.

  2. God speed for the trip!

    I grew up in Rochester and my dad was on the staff at Mayo. Saw the inside of my first LCMS church there too!

  3. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Easter triumph! Easter joy!
    The Schwarz family is much loved, in many homes, in many places.

  4. The Lord make your ways safe and your homecoming joyful, and grant wisdom to the doctors who attend Beth.

    Thanks for putting a face on this issue.

  5. Anonymous11:48 PM

    My family and I love you guys and are praying for a good outcome at Mayo!

  6. Praying for a safe trip and good news!

  7. Nice to be able to put the face to the name! Beautiful family!

    Add my prayers to the Schwarz family for a safe trip and a straightforward and manageable diagnosis

  8. Anonymous3:00 PM

    God Bless the Schwarz family during these troubled times! Our family too will be praying for them. We here in Indiana continue to hope for a reversal in the Synod's decision-Kevin

  9. God grant you a safe trip. You're in our prayers.

  10. May our gracious God grant you a safe trip to MN, and may He grant you good care from the doctors. We'll keep praying for you!

  11. Is not IE the most amazing program? As someone from a far-distant land, would I even have known about IE, let alone Jeff and family, if not for the podcasts?
    My prayers go to God for Jeff and Beth. May God bless you and keep you safe and healthy.
    Steve in Au.
