12 April 2008

Four Dozen

That's how old my beautiful Cindi is this very day. And for the next six months, I'll have you know, she's a year older than I am - and I don't let her forget it either. She is my dearest friend, and making music with her is still the great joy of my life, and has been since the days we sat in the open trunk of her car at Wheaton high and sang together while she played her guitar. Together God has blessed us with three wonderful children and I can't thank Him enough for the (almost) 26 years together he's given us. Cindi, you old thing, I love you!


  1. Happy Birthday, Cindi!
    (btw, it's my rib's birthday on Wednesday. April must be a good month for Pastor's wives to be born)

  2. It must be a good day. Our daughter turns 8 today (and it's not Holy Week this year!) Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy birthday, Cindi!

    Don't let that old goat give you any trouble.

  4. Happy Birthday and Many Years to Cindi!

  5. Oh, I assumed four dozen was the number of roses you had sent her!

    There's still time...


    Happy Birthdy, Cindi, and many more!

  6. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Happy birthday Cindi!

    We rejoice that our merciful Lord has blessed us though you for another year, may He continue to bless us for many to come.

    Karl and Nancy

  7. Wouldn't the happy-clappy types like to know that orthodox, liturgical Lutherans come from guitar-playing teen-agers!

    Congratulations, and thanks for helping to erase my mental file that says 48 year olds are WWII vets who listen to their old Tommy Dorsey and Glenn Miller records instead of playing guitar in an open car trunk (I'm 57)!

  8. May God grant her many years!
