12 April 2008

What a Rowdy Bunch!

Needless to say that HAD we ended up playing Pinochle last night, the men would have stomped the women one more time. But we spent the night instead just visiting and being entertained by hound dogs and enjoying food and Lutheran beverage. That's the Asburrys (Rachel and Randy), the Weedons, and the Wilkens (Maria and Todd).


  1. What a great picture! I looks like ya'll had a great time.

  2. The six of you hung out and the Synod's still standing today.

    God is merciful. ;-)

    Glad you had fun.

  3. What a fun looking group!


  4. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I said it before (on Asburry's blog), and I'll say it again: this photo makes it look like someone pasted your face on a teenager's body.

  5. Well, Jimbo, a TEENAGER bought me the shirt for my birthday last October. That could explain things... :)

  6. Anonymous9:41 PM

    does this teenager like you?
    (I have a feeling if I don't quit now I'm gonna get in trouble)

  7. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Dear Dad,
    of course the women would of romped on your sorry male be-hinds.
    your favorite eldest daughter!

  8. Hey Weedon, are you hittin' the absinthe again?
    Every picture of you, you look lit.

    Not that there is anything wrong with that....

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    The Green Fairy was no where to be seen Friday night.

    For Pr. Weedon, only the Amber (and lo-carb, if memory serves) Nymph.

    Pr. remained unlit, but did have a case of the hiccups.

  10. Is that a picture of Crown Point in the Columbia River Gorge in the background? My wife and I are from the Gorge originally.

  11. Gruener Feh (Green Fairy)- I hope if you drank that stuff you did it right, sugar cube in a spoon, light it on fire, stir it into 1 shot when it has disolved and then pour an equal amount of water in.

  12. Lucciola,

    Nothing more than a glass of chardonnay (from a bottle even - the Asburrys have class!), and a bottle of low-carb beer. But I DID get that nasty case of the hiccups. I always seem to when I drink a beer. Go figure. Carbonation. Doesn't go down well at MY age. But it was a great evening.

  13. Brown Nymph! Love it....

    Hey, I'm just catching up now, I hope everything went amazingly. I wish I could have been there.

  14. Oh, and Jon, you do not abuse your absinthe by lighting the sugar on fire. Just "looshe" it by dripping the cold water over the sugar cube, on the spoon.

    None of that Johnny Depp stuff.
