02 April 2008

Wilken/Schwarz Fund

God bless all of you for your generosity in supporting the Schwarz-Wilken fund. To date through this fund alone you have donated $10,785.00. In addition, Eric tells me that the members of Wittenberg Trail through the Paypal Account there have donated another $10,000. You guys have raised over $20,000 in TWO WEEKS. I know I speak for both the Wilken and Schwarz families in thanking you for this rich outpouring of support.

Anyone who desires to make a contribution to this fund can do so at:

St. Paul Lutheran Church
Wilken/Schwarz Fund
Box 246
Hamel, IL 62047

or if you are a member of the Wittenberg Trail, you can make a donation through Paypal there.

All funds received at St. Paul's are divided evenly between the families and once they have been officially counted by the St. Paul counting committee, the treasurer disburses the funds to either family.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Perhaps it is not too late to appeal to Thrivent chapters for matching funds

  2. Does this include the Wittenburg trail funds as well?
    Pastor Watt.

  3. No, these are simply the funds that are passing through St. Paul's. Eric would have the fund info from WT - I believe that we've been running pretty much on a par with each other though.

  4. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Is there any way to get the word out to all the people signing the petition? If even half of them would chip in $50 each, Jeff and Todd could decline the severance package and speak their minds on the situation.

    The Synod is trying to buy their silence.

  5. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Thanks be to God for generosity!

    I plan to contribute at least one more month to this worthy cause.

  6. Just goes to show what could have happened to that "deficit" that caused the cancellation of the program if the listeners had just been told about the situation before hand.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Diana, YES! That's my biggest gripe about the whole thing. About a week before the cancellation I got intoa position where I could donate some money to IE. I could have given the gift sooner if I HAD ONLY KNOWN!

    Our church had already collected some money for Issues, Etc. before it was axed. I can see about contacting the people who gave and seeing if they would support us sending it to this fund.

    Has anyone confirmed that indeed there is a severance-for-silence deal in place?

  9. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Is there any way to give funding and start another program at the same time outside of LCMS for Todd and Jeff?

    Consider it
