04 May 2008

Maybe I'm Nuts...

...but I thoroughly enjoyed not only the wonderful time together with the saints in Hutchinson, Kansas; not only the marvelous hospitality and friendship of Pastor Brockman and his wonder-wife Terri; not only getting to see my beloved Mr. & Mrs. Terrible Swede; but I also enjoyed immensely the 16+ hours in the car this weekend, looking at the scenery (the Flint Hills of Kansas are truly beautiful), and just listening to music. Thanks to all the good folks there in Hutchinson for all their work - it was truly a pleasure to be with you all.


  1. It was such a wonderful blessing to have you visit us this weekend, and edify us with your presentation Saturday and the leading of our Bible class this morning. Thank you for coming, even though it was such a long drive. We hope to be able to visit with you again in the future.

  2. Did you cross Missouri on I-70 or I-44? I made the drive from Rolla to St. Louis and from Kansas City to Columbia many times in college.

  3. Thanks, Mrs. T Swede!

    Dan, in Missouri I took 70 straight across. But in Kansas, Pr. Brockmann showed me a "road less traveled" that ended up shaving 1/2 hour off the trip, but best of all, a beautiful route.

  4. Oh my...my former stomping grounds!!! I went to university in the Flint Hills of Kansas...Emporia State. (Long story that had to do with not being able to decide between being a physician or a debate coach--and in the end doing neither.)

    I traveled to Hutch many times during those years. At the time there was a little dive of a tavern called Sophie's where we used to congregate and drink "three two" beer at age 18.

    Glad you had a safe trip and an enjoyable visit.

  5. Dixie,

    I am a professor at ESU. Hope the education you did get served you well! We continue to work with a lot of students trying to find their way - most do!

    Dr. Bill ;-)

  6. Dr. Bill,

    Let me tell you a little story. Several months ago I was working with some colleagues...one has her Ph.D. from MIT, the other, a colleague from France, did a post doc in the US at Arizona State...both are chemists by education, as am I (although I did not get a PhD). I expressed regret over not having taken the opportunity I had to do undergraduate work at MIT, choosing, for many reasons, to go to Emporia instead. My colleagues both looked at me in astonishment and asked, "Exactly how much difference to your career do you think that would have made?" And they were right. I have had a great career thusfar. I have a great job...great opportunities and the education I received in that little Kansas town was first rate and definitely served me well.

    Thanks for the work y'all do!
