04 May 2008

North Dakota Pastors Weigh In

the ND District LCMS Pastors Conference on April 30, 2008 had this resolution:

Whereas the cancellation of "Issues etc." was an unexpected event that caused much disappointment, confusion and bad feelings throughout the LCMS, and

Whereas "Issues etc." touched many lives in the United States and around the world by addressing various subjects from the point of view of Confessional Lutheran Theology, and

Whereas the primary reason for the cancellation of "Issues etc." was lack of adequate funding, resulting in yearly budget deficits, and

Whereas there was no adequate communication given to the fans of "Issues etc." concerning the financial crisis facing the program, thereby denying the fans of "Issues etc." a chance to respond with the necessary gifts to keep it on the air, and

Whereas mission work rarely makes money for the LCMS but usually depends on the sacrificial offerings of God's people, and

Whereas over 7000 people from around the world, representing various Christian denominations, have signed a petition asking that "Issues etc." be placed back on the air of KFUO, and

Whereas adequate funds to cover the yearly budget deficits of "Issues etc." could likely be raised from the many who are saddened by the cancellation of "Issues etc." and would like to see it back on the air, therefore be it

Resolved that the ND District Pastors Conference encourage the Board of Communications of the LCMS to work with KFUO to organize a special fund drive to raise money with the goal of putting "Issues etc." back on the air at KFUO, and be it finally

Resolved that the ND District Pastors Conference encourage the Board of Communications of the LCMS put "Issues etc." back on the air at KFUO, along with hiring the two staff members (the Rev. Todd Wilken & Mr. Jeff Schwarz) who lost their jobs, as soon as adequate funds have been raised to cover the cost of the program for the next two years.


  1. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Most excellent! It is good to hear that my district has passed this resolution. To be a bit witty, may this string to Issues, Etc. resolutions be "fanned into flame" in the other districts as well.

  2. Anonymous2:17 PM

    It will be a chilly day in the infernal realm when the Kirkwood politburo reverses itself.
