16 December 2008


Cindi gave me a bayberry candle - a bit of an early Christmas gift. I have it burning on the family altar. The other day it was lit and David asked: "Have you been burning incense?" I told him he smelled that candle. He said: "Well, it smells wonderful." It truly does. It reminds me of my childhood home, for we always had bayberry candles come Christmas - was one of my mother's favorites. It's been increasingly hard to find, though. Funny how smell is such a strong evoker of memory, isn't it?


  1. I remember some time ago you had a photo that included your icon corner, and you had a wonderful icon of St Nicholas the Wonderworker. Is it still around? I am still a little envious of your icon corner, and love the smell of bayberry candles. You might try Cracker Barrel for something like that. Hope all is well in Hamel.


  2. Harry,

    He's up in the corner above the icon of the burning bush.

  3. Hey, your little censer is just like ours! :-)

  4. -C,

    Does that mean yours doesn't work terribly well either??? If I shut the top, it goes out. Not enough oxygen through the holes, I suppose.

  5. Ha! We shut the top to put it out, and leave the top open when we burn it.

  6. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Pastor Weedon,

    Would you consider taking more pictures of your family altar and posting them on your blog?

    I agree smell can be a wonderful reminder of times gone by!!

    Darian L. Hybl

  7. Anonymous10:38 AM

    As I learned in graduate school, the sense of smell is the most powerful sense we have to illicit past memories.


  8. William,

    Behave yourself! THOSE memories were not evoked by bayberry...

  9. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Bayberry is a wonderful scent. YankeeScents.com has a bayberry potpourri which is fantastic.

