16 December 2008

Still Need a Christmas Gift for Someone?

Somehow or other this was published and totally escaped my attention: Heirs of the Reformation: Treasures of the Singing Church. This is a four-CD set of some of the great hymns of the early Lutheran Church, all beautifully sung and with many period instruments. You can check it out here:

Singing Church

I've been enjoying listening to it this afternoon. You can hear samples of the music at the above site.


  1. Ahem ... a shameless plug for an event I attended this past weekend here in Mpls...

    Are you going to this? http://nlca.com/love-incarnate-st-louis

    It's a treat for any Lutheran who loves singing!

  2. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I, too, would heartily recommend the set. I've been listening to it since it was released a number of weeks ago. The set comes with a booklet which includes a brief introduction for each hymn along with the full text of the verses sung.

    But don't wait. If you order the CD's along with a copy of the Treasury of Daily prayer before Christmas CPH will give you free shipping on your order.

    John Rutz

  3. Looks like a great gift. The problem is that whoever I bought it for, I would always want to borrow it. Guess I'll have to buy two.
