07 January 2009

Joys of Keeping Step with the Church's Liturgical Life

What more could a man ask? I got to lead and sing Matins with the children of Trinity-St. Paul this morning. I prayed Vespers privately in Church late this afternoon, and then tonight we celebrated our Midweek Divine Service, studied some in Wisdom 12, and wrapped it up with singing together in the chancel our beloved Compline. The regular midweek round was like welcoming back old friends who've been away too long; it struck me forcibly how much I'd missed this during Advent and Christmastide.

1 comment:

  1. It was great to be back Wednesday evening. I'm enjoying the study on Wisdom, but I was especially uplifted by our diversion afterward concerning what happened in the Garden of Gethsemane. It was such a tremendous reminder. What Wondrous Love is This!!
