07 January 2009

What a Treat!

Today the Treasury launched us into both Ezekiel and Romans - two of my all time favorite books of Sacred Scripture. I'd dearly love to know WHAT it was that Ezekiel saw. Totally weird.


  1. We tried to find some art to show the kids. Artists can't quite figure it out either! :) Now I know where Guillermo Del Toro gets his creature designs (Hellboy, Pan's Labyrinth, etc.)

  2. Don't you know? It was space aliens!

  3. Fr.,

    You can see, though, where folks GET that idea! As Christopher noted, it can't really be drawn. Mega odd critters.

  4. Anonymous6:33 AM

    With various struggles and stresses, I too was glad to receive the readings from Ezekiel and Romans yesterday. And the writing from Chemnitz and today's from the Solid Declaration were also helpful.

    This Treasury thing is pretty cool!

