19 March 2011

From a Lenten Prayer - Starck's Prayer Book

Oh, how great is Your unspeakable mercy!  The Holy One bears my unholiness; the Perfect One, my wickedness; the Innocent One, my guilt. My sins were laid on You so that Your righteousness could be laid on me....

The Israelites were free from all guilt and punishment when in faith they brought a lamb for sacrifice before God and beheld the shedding of its warm blood.  So I, too, know that I have been pardon and reconciled to God, when I believe that You, O Jesus, the Lamb of God without spot or blemish, have been slain for me and have poured out Your heart's blood for me in abundance.  Your blood is the true sacrificial blood, the blood of reconciliation, the blood of purification, the blood of atonement.....

In the terror of my sins, I flee to Your wounds.  When my conscience fills me with fear, I will receive Your blood as my ransom.  Yes, in my dying hour I desire to know nothing but You, O Jesus.  Your holy name, O Jesus, shall be my last word.  Your bleeding image, my last thought.  Your last word from the cross, my last sigh in death.  With You I will say:  "Father, in Your hands, I commit my spirit."  In that last hour, Jesus, be my comfort, my joy, my consolation, my defense.  Amen.  (pp. 77-79)

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