20 March 2011


Beautiful liturgy this morning - thanks, Zach - and proclamation of mercy - thanks, Pr. Gleason!  This afternoon we celebrate Bekah's 20th birthday (which actually falls tomorrow).  At Jimbo's prompting (on Facebook), I made up some of the no-knead bread.  Wow.  It really was simple and it looks delicious.  Cindi's working on talapia, scallops, Peggy's creamed corn, mushrooms, baked taters, salad, fruit platter, salad, black-berry cobbler and, um, hotdogs.  Don't ask...  Anywho, smelling mighty fine.  Dean and Lauren are in route and Jo and Dave due shortly.  Then we'll sit down to feast and thank God for 20 years of life for my youngest.  As of tomorrow, I am no longer father of a teen.  That feels really weird after all these years.


  1. scotty1:54 PM

    Sounds like a wonderful time to make an unannounced visit to the Weedons at the Parsonange..just to make sure evrything is OK around the house...Ha Ha!

    Signed..."Trustee" Scotty

    P.S. Happy Birthday Bekah!

  2. scotty2:00 PM

    Oh yea....we can start with the outside grounds inspection and finish near the Kitchen and or the designated serving area! Sounds delicious...enjoy your day!

  3. Fr. Weedon,
    Hot Dogs, I won't ask, I'll just assume it's in honor of no more teenagers or maybe even the doggie gets a treat!!

